“Ein weiterer harter Tag! Aber es hat sich gelohnt!! ” / “Another hard day! But it was worth it!!” – Steffen Streich writes us from the last ferry of the day to Tallinn that he catched in the last minute for boarding. Good timing!
3 days 20 hours and 39 minutes from the NorthCape to Helsinki checkpoint. 1753km in 69h46min on the bike, moving time. This results in an average speed of 25.13km/h the time on the bike and 452.52km per day. Or 18.9km/h total average speed. Without any support. And Steffen has an impressive 25% rest time.
Congratulations, big respect for this new record!
The old record for Helsinki checkpoint was from 2022 when Matti Ainasoja arrived at the 24th at 04:40 in the morning. In 2018 Samuli Mäkinen arrived at 09:45 in the morning of June 24th and in 2019 Thomas Jacquelinet same day at 12:38.
Photos: selfies from Steffen Streich

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