

After 1753km trough Norway and Finland, riders reach the checkpoint Helsinki, that is also the first possible finish point.

NCT2018: Andrej Zaman and Pierangelo Rivoira at the checkpoint Helsinki
Hill of Crosses

The Hill of Crosses is located in Lithuamia at km 2119 and part of the route since 2024.

Checkpoint Hill of Crosses

Bregenz Austria at the lake Constanz is a checkpoint and finish point at km 4070.

NCT2019: Michelangelo Pacifico at the checkpoint Bregenz
Col du Galibier

About this very famous checkpoint that is a dream of many cyclist to ride up there at least once in the live:
Build 1876 with an altitude of 2642m is it today the 5th highest mountain pass road in the Alps. It was 1911 the first mountain pass in the Alps that was part of the Tour de France. It was part of a 366km stage from Chamonix to Grenoble. At the south side of the top tunnel you find a monument that remembers to Henri Desgrange, the founder of the Tour de France.

NCT2018: Anisa Aubin on top of Col du Galibier

Nice at km 5370 a finish and checkpoint.

NCT2019: Gwen Thomas 1st finisher at Nice
Port d’Envalira

With 2408m the highest all year open mountain pass road in Euope.

NCT2019: Camille Colle at Port’dEnvalira, 2,408m
Pico del Veleta

Up to 3398m goes the highest road in Europe and it’s at km 7,000 of the route.

NCT2018: Christopher Bennett at the top of Pico del Veleta

Tarifa is the finish and most southern point on the European mailand.

NCT2018: Javier Simon (singlespeed) at the finish Tarifa