We await Matti in Tarifa

Matti will be in Tarifa soon, followed by Irena now only 60km behind. Matti will be the 1st in the ranking classified finisher of this 3th NorthCape-Tarifa adventure. With 7400km actually the longest bike race in the world.

Remarkable, Irena has the fastest time from CP2 Bregenz to CP6 Pico del Veleta. And the fastest time from CP5 Port d’Envalira to CP6 Pico del Veleta.

photos: 2 days ago Irena at Pico del Veleta

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NCT2022: Daniel Polman is not classified

As in all of our self supported bike packing events, penalties and so on are spoken at the end of the event. Daniel Polman was since Ilanz in Switzerland, km 4210 conditional on the route to Tarifa. He was in the knowledge, that a final decision will be made at the end of the event.

The decision is: Daniel is a finisher but not classified in the ranking.

Out of the email to Daniel this morning:
(Sarka is Daniel’s wife)

Hi Daniel,

I come back to the email from 01.07.2022 17:32:
“Hello Sarka,
He can continue but conditional.
Final decision at the end of the race.”

I move forward the decision and don’t wait till the last rider arrived at the finish.

For me it’s very important, that all our events are fair play and everyone respects the rules.
About 5 hours before the start i learnt, that you have a privat photographer with you. In general, this is not acceptable and against the rules of self supported. Anyway to make the best out of this situation so short before the start, we agreed with you and your photographer, that he can follow the race if he documents the race and not one certain rider. When the race was going on, I had to realize, that your photographer is not following our agreement. I then forbid you, that your photographer or anyone else is allowed to follow you from Czech on.

Sadly i found your photographer on the route between Reichenau and Bonaduz waiting for you.

In the email from 01.07.2022 17:32 i allowed you to continue to Tarifa but conditional. (unter Vorbehalt)

One point for the final decission:

  • Your time from Bregenz to Tarifa was not remarkable faster as the other riders.
  • Your time from CP2 Bregenz to CP6 Pico del Veleta was 10 hours slower as the so far fastest time on this section.
  • Your time from CP5 Port d’Envalira to CP6 Pico del Veleta was 17 hours slower as the so far fastest time on this section.
  • The time that you made good to the other riders, happened in the section where your friend and photographer was following the route. Before Germany not as agreed and from Czech on against my instructions.


I decided to make two groups for solo riders.
A new group “Solo not classified”. You will be in this group.

The difference to disqualified, all your check point times and finish time keeps visible and you are a finisher. But you are a finisher not classified for the ranking. Means you are not allowed to use the expression “winner”, “1st” or anything equivalent, for the NorthCape-Tarifa.

This decision cannot be contested.

I know your fans will not understand it. After already some complaining unrespectful remarks from your fans on Facebook and Instagram on your finisher photo, i deleted the Instagram post after i was not able to just delete a single comment. And i deleted some comments on Facebook. We will continue deleting unrespectful and not appropriate comments on our channels.

I really respect your effort. I hope of your understanding and maybe see you one day again.

All the best,

UPDATE 21.07.2022
More details about Daniel Polman’s not classification will be published with the final definitive results. For now we are focused on the riders still on the route.

Matti Ainasoja has less then 150km to the finish

Matti Ainasoja has less then 150km to the finish. I met him today on the route from Pico del Veleta to Tarifa. He is in good spirit and will not stop anymore till Tarifa. In the downhill from Col de la Cayolle he had a crash with a fox and landed hard on the road. A day in Nice and then he continued to finish this adventure. Since Nice he keeps and eye on the dot of Irena. Since leaving Nice he tries to keep a distance of 80km to Irena. Yesterday they almost met each other at Pico del Veleta.

photos: Matti between Pico del Veleta and Tarifa

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Daniel Polman finished in 24 days

Daniel Polman finished last night 14.07.2022 / 21:48 in Tarifa in 24 days 21 hours and 48 minutes the NorthCape-Tarifa route.

Congratulations Daniel!

Well done! What an effort.

(all times and results are unofficial for now)


Daniel Polman has 130km to the finish

In the 1st edition of the NorthCape-Tarifa bike race Steffen Streich arrived 21 days and 57 minutes after leaving the NorthCape. Till today this time is not beaten. Kai Edel needed 12 hours 55 minutes more then Steffen. Also Samuli Makinen time of 23 days 15 hours and 9 minutes is till today the 3th fastest time on this route.

4th fastest time is from Michelangelo Pacifico in 2019, 24 days 1 hour and 53 minutes and Tanja Hacker holds the 5th fastest time with 24 days 19 hours and 37 minutes.

Also very impressive: Steffen’s last stage started in Algaraz, 757km and 12’512vm to the finish.

Daniel Polman has 130km to Tarifa and should arrive this evening at the finish. If Daniel arrives before midnight, he will finish in 24 days.

photos: Steffen & Kai 2018 at the finish

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Daniel Polman at Pico del Veleta

Less then 300km to the finish Tarifa for Daniel Polman.

4 days ago Daniel had a crash near Lleida, in a corner with sand on the road. Some bruises, he went to a doctor for cleaning it, and a broken handlebar. Luckely Daniel is okay and could continue his ride.

Today Daniel reached the highest route point, check point Pico del Veleat with 3400m at route km 7000. Pico del Veleta is also the highest paved road in Europe.

photos: the landscape before the Sierra Nevada at Gorafe desert and Daniel climbing Pico del Veleta

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Day 15 and 16

Irena is in 4th position and climbed yesterday the first 2 mountain passes Oberalppass and Gotthardpass. Most of the climb Irena had to cycle in heavy rain and thunderstorms. After her rain shoe covers are gone, she organized plastic bags and waterprooof kitchen cloves. At Gotthardpass she got finally again nice sunny weather. But alread from Bellinzona to Luino she got challenged again by heavy thunderstorms and missed her goal to reach Dario’s bicycle shop in Borgomanero. She then decided to stop in Laverno at the Lago Maggiore. Finding a room was then not that easy. She learned since Covid hotels and guesthouses are still shutdown and never reopened.
This early morning she got her bike cleaned and serviced at Dario and Nico Valsesia’s shop in Borgomanero. They are both both very experienced long distance cyclists too.

Meanhwile she is back on the route and wrote:

“I’m back to the route now.
Thank you so much for sorting out the bike!
It’s a beast now 😉
Surly will be much easier to get to the finish in Tarifa 😉 “

photos: Irena at Gotthardpass and in the bikeshop

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Daniel Polman arrived Friday in the Alpes

From Bregenz to the Oberalppass (2044m) is the first mountain pass on the route. Daniel had a strong tailwind from Bregenz coming but also rain. On the 180km the route follows the river Rhein till to the source of the river.

After a 10km downhill to Andermatt, the next climb to the Gotthardpass brings the riders to the south of the Alpes. Different culture and Italian speaking.

Meanwhile Daniel is in the French Alpes and the big passes Col d’Iseran, with 2764m the highest pass in the Alpes, followed by Col du Télégraphe and Col du Galibier are part of the route. They are real beasts and on the bucked list of every cyclists.

photos; Daniel at Oberalppass at Gotthardpass

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Our oldest rider this year

Peter Felten from Germany is with almost 65 years our oldest rider this year:

His experience:

  • ca. 60 Brevets 200 – 600km
  • 4x PBP
  • 3x 1001 Mille Miglia
  • 2x Superbrevet ( Hamburg-Belin-Köln-Hamburg)
  • 2x TransGermany (MTB)
  • ACT3 + ACT5
  • YukonArcticUltra (FAtbike)
  • 2x Iditarod Trail Invitational
  • ca. 15 24h Rennen
  • etc. …

His goal for the NorthCape-Tarifa: “finishen”
Peter is traveling with a tent and we ar enot sure he ever booked a room so far.
He is actually in position 13 and we are sure, he will finish in Tarifa.

photos: a few km after the start at the NorthCape and after 200km before Alta.

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